Friday, March 28, 2014

Baby Food (and cute pics of the minion)

Ever wonder why kids always stick their nose up at veggies? I think I understand why!
Maggie learned how to squint her face and does it a lot now :)

From what I have read, from when I was a kid and some of what I see now a days people are giving their kids fresh (or worse canned) BLAND veggies… I wouldn't eat my veggies either if that’s how they were serve. Well sugar snaps are pretty good all by themselves but that’s not the point. If you wouldn't eat squash, broccoli, carrots, or peas all by itself why make your kids?!

When I was told Maggie was old enough to start eating baby food I stopped by the Grocery store on the way home and grabbed a few cans of Baby food firsts and some fresh produce so that I could practice making it myself. I was thrilled! And then she rejected the food. I figured she may need a few more weeks (remember she was early) but I persisted and with every feeding she wouldn't swallow just a turned up face and she would stick out her tongue and scrape the food off with her hand. We weren't getting anywhere with the food and I was starting to think she would eventually give in for something other than formula. (She wasn't)
"give me the lasagna and no one gets hurt"

Finally while exploring baby I came across an article called “Baby Food Revolution” talk about help! It has links for everything! What used to be the norm and what is encouraged now, they even have a video about how to make your own baby food. I have this page bookmarked for future reference as needed. I was fascinated! Especially with the advice to add spices. After all they get the flavors and spice through the breast milk from what we eat.

I add flavor to her food like I do for my own (within Reason) and she has yet to turn down any of it. (You can imagine how thrilled I am) Mostly it’s a little butter, salt and pepper sometimes some lemon juice, or garlic. It’s very good and I even find myself enjoying it with her! As a side note. She can eat whatever we eat (with some restrictions) which means you can take your food on your plate mash it up and give some to the baby! Ta da! Yummy baby food!!!

My one vice is squash, I’ve never really liked it myself… I usually added a butt load of salt so would taste more salt than squash and scarf it down as quickly as possible. So to me squash is supposed to be salty. But, I know I can’t do that for Maggie so I need some help with the squash. Butter salt and pepper or are there better toppings.

Moral of the story if you don’t eat it plain, why should your baby? Just be careful with strong spices you don’t want your baby screaming to get it off. :S

I'm ready for spring mom!

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